Our concept is to create your life with an unique design idea.

A work, school, a private time, a family and a pet. You can express and create all of your life as well as your family life very enjoyable and comfortable with a design thinking; a graphical thinking. A design provides you a joy to see, touch and feel because a life with a design is stylish and cool. 

For example, you can design the album which is the one in the world. Another example is that you can own a portrait of your lovely pet which is created in a graphical thinking. It gives you a stronger bonding with your pet just like a member of your family. Isn’t it enjoyable, is it? So let’s experience it with our support

Main Services:

A Design is our main work; such as a sales promotional plan and production, an event planning and coordination. We have so many experience for those areas. Please feel free to contact us. 

Graphic Design

We can support you for areas which covers from a stationery to professional printing matters and advertising creative.

Logo Design

We create an original logo for a company and an event. We also can provide the various ideas of how to use it in various ways.

Illustration and Character Design

Creating an illustration for people, a pet and a product character in KI-Design way.

Moments with your pet

We can provide you all kinds of forms that will become a good memory with your lovely pet.

Palm reading couselling 

It is possible to find what to do for present and future via reading your palm.

Sports mental training

It is a training to make you feel more comfortable and confident in your life. Please see as under.

Athletes, their leaders, coaches and instructors have various worries. Improving skills in competition is an important issue, but there are many situations in which you cannot fully demonstrate your abilities due to motivation for daily practice, tension and anxiety. The job of a mental trainer is not to teach athletic skills. It is a support for athletes to solve their own problems and realize a smooth change of mind through mental training by being close to the mental worries and challenges of athletes, teams, and instructors. In particular, top athletes like even Ms.NaomiOsaka are required to have "mental care". This will help you balance your "mental body", focus on your practice, and get the results you want.

Mental training is also useful in many aspects of life, not just in the sports field. Let's experience the effect with a mental trainer.

We can support those who visit Japan from abroad.

(Basically covering Tokyo area) 

 A coordination for a sightseeing during your stay 

   After hearing a wish list, we make a tour guide plan. Please  note  

   that we may not be able to deal with a plan for outside Tokyo area.

 We can support you for English translation

    We can arrange a English translator during a sightseeing time.

<A Tour Plan Sample / 1 Day Plan in Tokyo area >

Picking up at the hotel  Temple Sensoji & Nakamise (worship, lunch)→Kappabashi sue ware town(souvenir)  Meiji Jingu shrine (Worship)  Omote Sando (Café time) →Ginza→Tsukiji (Dinner) →Karaoke in Roppongi

* The cost for traveling expenses (including a rental car cost), meals and souvenir is at your own expense. The coordination fee would be around 30,000 -50,000 JPY (excluding consumption tax) per day depending on the contents of the request. 

Create an original tour map

We can also include photos into the map you would taken during a tour. We provide you A3 size color copy and data which will be a nice memory.

Act as a tour coordinator 

One person can join you and support you while you move around Tokyo.


Act as your driver

We can provide a service for driving around Tokyo area. No extra cost for a driver.